
How Can I Protect My Valuables During a Move?

February 15th, 2021

Trying to figure out which of the cross-country moving companies will be the best investment for you comes with many different criteria. You have to balance the cost of the service against your budget, determine what degree of logistical support you’ll get, and how many reviews they might receive — leading to even more stress during the weeks leading up to your move. However, you must pay attention to one often overlooked aspect of your move: your valuables.

Whether it’s an heirloom photo album or a jewelry box filled with gemstones, you want to take steps to protect your belongings during the move. Even the best moving company isn’t perfect and may drop a box or two during the moving process. Before we dive into how to protect your valuables, take this quiz to see how much you know!

Inventory Your Belongings

The first step in protecting your valuables during a move is to know precisely what valuables you have that need protecting. When taking stock of your possessions, it’s essential to document your belongings in two ways. The first is to create a list of everything that has sentimental or monetary value to you. With the help of this list, you will be better able to take stock of things when the move is complete.

The second method is to take photos of your possessions before packing them up. While the best moving companies take care of your belongings as if they were their own, moving can sometimes result in damage regardless of the care taken, and the photos will help you when you file an insurance claim for reimbursement.

Get Creative With Packing

To keep your valuables safe during your move, you should think about getting creative with your packing. One way to do this is to separate your valuables from the rest of your belongings during the move. Consider packing them up in your car so that when the movers come, you can focus on the task of relocating your life rather than your boxes.

Consider Staying Off Social Media

It’s perfectly normal to want to celebrate the significant change you’re making with your friends and loved ones, but try keeping photos of the move off of social media. Taking pictures of the move will increase the chances that someone you don’t trust will see your valuables and where they are being stored, and if they aren’t secured properly, someone could easily decide to break in and steal your belongings.

For more tips about how best to protect your valuables during a move, or get quotes for experienced office movers in your area, call Collegiate Movers today!

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